SHOCKING! Large chunk breaks off the Sun, creates terrifying vortex; Should we be worried?

Researchers are attempting to determine what effect this massive prominence will have on Earth.

Astronomers have long been captivated by the Sun. And now, experts are perplexed by a recent development. The Sun's North Pole was surrounded by a tornado-like whirl when a large chunk of its surface broke off. Even though researchers are working to understand how it happened, the footage of the event has shocked the space community. The extraordinary occurrence was captured by NASA's James Webb telescope and announced last week on Twitter by space weather forecaster Dr. Tamitha Skov. Scientists are particularly concerned about the most recent development since the Sun continues to release solar flares (also known as prominences) that can occasionally interfere with communications on Earth.

"Discuss the polar vortex! Material from a northern prominence recently detached from the main filament and is now revolving around the star's north pole in a huge polar vortex. The implications for comprehending the mechanics of the Sun's atmosphere above 55 degrees cannot be emphasized!" Last week, Dr. Skov stated in a tweet.

The prominence, as defined by NASA, is a big luminous feature extending from the Sun's surface. Although there have been other incidents of this kind, the scientific world is baffled by this one.

"Additional measurements of the #SolarPolarVortex show that material traveled around the pole at a latitude of around 60 degrees in about 8 hours. This suggests that 96 kilometers per second, or 60 miles per second, is the upper bound for the assessment of the horizontal wind speed in this occurrence." Dr. Skov stated in a later tweet.

A piece of the prominence broke off and was whipped into the solar atmosphere, according to solar physicist Scott McIntosh of the US National Centre for Atmospheric Research, who has been observing the Sun for decades. McIntosh told that he had never seen a "vortex" like the one that happened.

Now, space experts are investigating the peculiar occurrence to learn more about it and paint a better picture. Even though our favorite star is always being watched, it still manages to surprise us with events like the several strong flares this month that interfered with contact on Earth.