Gizmodo Monday Puzzle: 83% of People Got at Least One Question Wrong on This Psychology Test

Do you often go with your instincts when a new situation arises? Or do you follow a deliberate strategy?

The Cognitive Reflection Test: Puzzle #8

The total cost of a ball and a bat is $1.10. A dollar more goes toward the bat than the ball. What is the cost of the ball?

How long would it take 100 machines to produce 100 widgets if 5 machines took 5 minutes to produce 5 widgets?

There is a lily pad patch in a lake. The patch doubles in size each day. How long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake if it takes 48 days to cover the entire lake?

These inquiries are taken directly from a Shane Frederick study article.

Do you frequently rely on your gut feelings when solving a new problem? Or do you want to go cautiously and methodically? The Cognitive Reflection Test was developed to assess people's propensities for using one or the other of these two cognitive modes, which everyone utilizes in some combination throughout their life. You could have relied on your intuition if the solutions appeared easy to you right away but, in reality, these riddles call for a bit more thought than one might anticipate. See if any of your responses alter by giving them another, slower pass.

Next Monday, we'll publish a new problem along with the answer. Do you know of a challenging puzzle I should discuss here? My email address is

Gecko Trek Solution to Puzzle #7

This week's shout-out goes to reader Dr. Emilio Lizardo for being the first to post the right answer, despite the fact that many of you thought of creative ways to get around the question, such as having the gecko construct a teleportation device or pointing out that a large enough gecko would already be touching the other corner of the room.

Only 22.36 feet, or 10 times the square root of 5, are required for the gecko to complete its crawl. The number alone doesn't reveal too much. How do we get there? We are aware that on flat terrain, a straight line connects any two places. Our issue is that the cubic room's faces do not form a smooth surface. We unfold the cube and flatten it to correct this.

Keep in mind that the red dot designates the room's diagonally opposite corner if the gecko starts off on the diagram's right-hand side. Our cubic room is now neatly mapped into a flat surface. The shortest distance is covered by taking a direct line between these places. From here, the Pythagorean theorem takes us home. The hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides measuring 10 and 20 is the route. We obtain c2 = 102 + 202 by labeling the hypotenuse's length as c.

Our solution is obtained by solving the previous equation for c.

A net is the name for the unfolded diagram of a cube or other 3D form. Nets are useful for a variety of issues concerning the shortest distance on a solid's surface. The key to the Gecko Trek mystery is to even consider using a net; once you do, the rest quickly becomes clear. Knowing how to utilize a net is just the beginning for future problems because solids may be unfolded in a variety of ways! I offer the infamous spider and fly puzzle as a challenging illustration. There is a spoiler in that link. If you want to try the puzzle on your own, keep your eyes closed because the article's image reveals the solution.