Bizarre object 10 million times brighter than the sun defies physics, NASA says

A strange "ultraluminous X-ray source" defies the Eddington limit by shining millions of times brighter than the sun, according to a recent research.

There is something in space that is defying the laws of physics.

These transgressors are known as ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), and they emit energy around 10 million times greater than that of the sun. This energy exceeds the Eddington limit, a physical restriction on how brilliant an object of a particular size may be. Scientists anticipate that anything that exceeds the Eddington limit will explode into fragments. But, according to a NASA statement, ULXs "regularly exceed this limit by 100 to 500 times, leaving scientists perplexed."

New observations from NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), which observes the cosmos in high-energy X-rays, have been published in The Astrophysical Journal and have proven that one specific ULX, named M82 X-2, is unquestionably too bright. This new research dispels earlier notions that indicated the extraordinary brightness may be an optical illusion and instead demonstrates that the ULX is somehow violating the Eddington limit.

ULXs were formerly thought to be black holes, however M82 X-2 is really a neutron star. The leftover, lifeless cores of stars like the sun are known as neutron stars. Because neutron stars are so dense, their surface has a gravitational pull that is around 100 trillion times greater than that of the Earth. Because of the dead star's strong gravity, anything that is brought onto its surface will explode.

According to NASA, "a marshmallow dropped on a neutron star's surface would strike it with the energy of a thousand hydrogen bombs."

According to a recent research, M82 X-2 steals material from a nearby star every year equivalent to around 1.5 Earths. The extreme brightness the researchers saw is the result of this much stuff colliding with the neutron star's surface.

The study team believes that this is proof that M82 X-2 must be doing something unusual to be able to defy the laws of physics and go beyond the Eddington limit. Their current hypothesis holds that the neutron star's strong magnetic field modifies the atoms' shapes, allowing the star to remain cohesive even as it becomes brighter and brighter.

According to main research author Matteo Bachetti, an astrophysicist at the Italian observatory in Cagliari, "these observations let us see the effects of these incredibly strong magnetic fields that we could never reproduce on Earth with current technology." This is the beauty of astronomy: we have to wait for the cosmos to reveal its mysteries; we can't actually put up tests to acquire speedy answers.